Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is your job?

Several nights ago I was bathing Tanner and Drew. We have oversized bath tubs and sometimes I think Tanner and Drew think they are swimming pools the way they splash and swim around. It's cute and sweet but once the water starts coming out of the tub momma ain't happy!
Once this began I explained to them that Mommy and Daddy had jobs to earn money so that we could pay to have a house, food and nice things. I told them it wasn't nice to splash water out of the tub because it could ruin the floor.
Tanner quickly responded "This is my tub and I can splash if I want to." I told her it was OUR tub and that Mommy and Daddy made the rules and were in charge and that she was not allowed to backtalk or splash so much. She once again responded with, "This is my tub."
At this point I am done being nice and reasoning. Lets face it, I have 650 students that I reason with all day long and sometimes when I come home I am done reasoning with little people. So being the smarty I can be sometimes I said "Tanner did you pay for this tub?" She said "Yes". I then said, "Tanner, you need a job to pay for a tub - do you have a job?" She once again responded "Yes". I said, "Well, sweetheart what is your job?" Tanner said
"I help you make cupcakes!"
Thank you my sweet cupcake for putting a smile on my face, giving me a laugh and putting my little impatient attitude in its place!

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